What's holding you back?

I don’t know if it’s just me, but I’ve experienced situations over the last few months where both individuals and businesses seem:

  • Unable to make decisions

  • To be questioning the effort and reward of doing certain things

  • Reluctant to engage with what is going on, or commit fully to an agreed plan of action

I know I’m guilty of some of these things as well, so what is it that’s making us effectively tread water and unable to move forward confidently? It could be fear or uncertainty, maybe even procrastination, but I’m wondering if it’s more than that? It’s as if we’re waiting for the right time, or for something to happen, whether that’s the economy to recover, an increase in people’s propensity to spend, or perhaps an attitudinal shift which prompts us to act.

Choosing to do nothing is still a choice

We can all achieve so much, but only when we have the determination and direction to change our behaviour. When was the last time you heard yourself say. “I don’t have the time.” “It costs too much money.” “I’m not qualified to do that, or “Last time I tried that it didn’t work?”

If we choose to do nothing, we are still making a choice. But if we’re waiting for a sign, then we could be waiting some time.

Change your inner voice

So rather than let our minds play delaying tactics, how can we tune in to a more positive internal dialogue? If we’re set on holding ourselves back, we ignore the opportunities that may help us progress. The first step is one of reflection. Ask yourself questions that will help you get to the bottom of the mental blockage - whether that’s limiting beliefs, fear, doubt, mindset, stress, exhaustion, or lack of focus etc. Then once you’ve identified what’s causing the blockage give yourself permission to let go.

Here are some other ideas to help you to move forwards:

  1. Talking is good and can be helpful. Share your feelings with someone you trust.

  2. Be grateful for what you have and acknowledge your achievements. Remember a small win is still a win.

  3. Ask for what you want. Express your needs honestly and openly and you might be surprised when those requests are met.

  4. Stop making excuses. You can write your own story and that includes the ending.

  5. Be kind to yourself and set yourself realistic timelines, or goals for change. Don’t forget to measure your progress.

  6. Push yourself to get out and spend time with people whose company you enjoy, or doing things that you love.

  7. Step out of your comfort zone by going somewhere new or challenge yourself to try doing new things.

  8. It’s ok to have a wobble, slow down, read a book, enjoy an hour’s gardening, a day off, or a trip away. As long as when you return, you feel better and are more focused and productive.

  9. Live in the moment. Try to ignore the past and the “what might have been,” as well as the future and “what will be.”


How I can help

If you’d like some help to enable you to achieve a more positive mindset, so you can let go of distractions, remove your mental block and/or ditch what’s holding you back then please get in touch.




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